Prices of translation services

To find out the exact price use our tentative quotation


Ordinary translation
(from/to English)
Price € / SP
without VAT (with VAT)
SlovakSlovakCzechCzech8.20 (9.92)
GermanGermanRussianRussianPolishPolish9.60 (11.62)
FrenchFrenchItalianItalianSpanishSpanish13.70 (16.58)
PortuguesePortugueseUkrainianUkrainianBulgarianBulgarian13.70 (16.58)
CroatianCroatianSerbianSerbianSlovenianSlovenian15.70 (19.00)
HungarianHungarianRomanianRomanianGeorgianGeorgian15.70 (19.00)
BosnianBosnianMontenegrinMontenegrinMacedonianMacedonian15.70 (19.00)
AlbanianAlbanianHindiHindi15.70 (19.00)
ArmenianArmenianBelarusianBelarusian15.70 (19.00)
ArabicArabicGreekGreekVietnameseVietnamese19.70 (23.84)
EstonianEstonianLatvianLatvianLithuanianLithuanian19.70 (23.84)
MongolianMongolian19.70 (23.84)
DanishDanishFinnishFinnish23.70 (28.68)
NorwegianNorwegianSwedishSwedish23.70 (28.68)
DutchDutchHebrewHebrewTurkishTurkish23.70 (28.68)
ChineseChineseJapaneseJapaneseKoreanKorean23.70 (28.68)

Other prices in € without VAT (with VAT)

all languages bulk discounts (depends on number of SP and language) from 0.25 (0.3) €/SP
all languages additional charge for expertise (depends on expertise of the text and language) from 5 %
all languages spelling and grammar correction (not valid for machine translations) from 4 (4.84) €/SP
all languages native speaker proofreading (not valid for machine translations) from 5 (6.05) €/SP
all languages native speaker copywriting (not valid for machine translations) from 5 (6.05) €/SP
all languages sworn translation (by mail) from 15 (18.15) €/SP
all languages sending a sworn translation by mail from 4 (4.84) 
all languages sending a paper invoice by mail  (by default, invoices are sent electronically) from 4 (4.84) 

  • All prices are per 1 standard page (SP = 1800 characters including spaces or 250 words), unless otherwise stated in the offer
  • The price is calculated from the source text, unless otherwise stated in the offer
  • Minimal invoiced order size is 1 SP/one language
  • From 1 SP it is rounded to tenths (outside sworn translations)
  • We offer the lowest possible prices on the market with professional quality
  • For larger orders we offer bulk discounts depending on the number of SP and level of expertise
  • Upon your request we prepare the quotation for mutual language combinations or other languages


Why choose us?

  • High quality
  • Reasonable prices
  • Speed
  • Experience and references
  • Meeting deadlines
  • Individual approach
18 367
242 661
standard pages
5 944