Translations of GDPR documents and general terms and conditions into English
Elaboration of the general business terms and conditions and other related documents is an obligation for every e-shop or website offering their services. We regularly translate General Terms and Conditions and GDPR documents into foreign languages, especially into English, for our clients.
When the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force last year caused plenty of worries for entrepreneurs. The introduction of the new rules also involved the obligation to obtain the necessary documentation for GDPR in the official language of the country of operation. The GDPR documents have certain specifics and terminology that must be strictly followed, this wasn’t a problem for us, as our translators have experience with regard to this type of documentation.
The same applies to translating the general terms and conditions or the complaints procedure. All these documents are very important for businesses, because in the event of a dispute, you can rely on the precisely well-developed business terms and conditions. Let our translators work out business terms and conditions, complaint rules or GDPR documents to make it easier for you to enter new markets.