Translation of VW Academy e-learning materials for Porsche CR
Our long-term satisfied clients include Porsche ČR, which is a motor vehicle importer and part of the Volkswagen Group. These brands and their dealers operate throughout Europe and this requires localisation and translation of teaching materials into individual languages. The company entrusted us with the translation of VW Academy e-learning materials available to vehicle dealers.
This type of translation brings several specifics. Our translators perform the translation directly in the e-learning system, therefore facilitating further work with the text for the client. There is no need to worry about deploying or formatting text. In this case, it’s also a matter of regular translations within set deadlines, where we are able to guarantee strict compliance to the client. The client simply finds their translations directly in the system and on time.
Finally, our translators don’t forget the terminology associated with the automotive industry. Since these are educational materials, the terms used must be clear and concise, uniform throughout the system and match practices within the segment.